Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Flowing Beauty

Burney Falls in McArthur-Burney Memorial State Park in northern California was named after pioneer Samuel Burney who lived in the area in the 1850s and whose descendants were responsible for saving the waterfall from development by purchasing the property and giving it to the state in the 1920s. Very refreshing spot.

Monday, June 29, 2015

In Total Isolation

The road through Nevada to Oregon can sometimes be very isolating as you can see at this rest area where we ate lunch. No one for miles and miles.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Surprise Stop

Not on our itinerary but since it was just a slight detour, we stopped for a peak at the Grand Canyon.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Step Up to the Counter

The soda fountain in the historic Painted Desert Inn on historic Route 66. 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Painted Desert

Vivid colors of the Painted Desert at Petrified Forest National. Park. 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Joshua Tree

The stark Joshua trees at Joshua Tree National Park remind me of saguaro cactus. 

First Camping Trip

Stacy's love of camping began in 1983 on a trip to Gunnison, CO, with our friends, the Frys. Here she is with Anita.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Unexpected but Fantastic

At Furnace Creek Visitors Center in Death Valley we came out to leave and our car made an horrendous sound. Miraculously there was a mechanic on duty next door who had us back on the road in 14 minutes.  

Stark Beauty

In the heart of Death Valley National Park. 114 degrees but beautiful in its way. 

General Sherman

The largest Sequoia in Sequoia National Park. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Respite on the Hike

Stacy with Lower Yosemite Falls behind her. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Yosemite National Park

El Capitan and Upper Yosemite Falls

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Earth Still Percolates

At Lassen Volcanic National Park, you can see signs of the activity that created the park. Mt. Lassen above which spewed 100 years ago and the sulphur springs and mud pots below. 

Life on the Beach

The view from our campsite at Gold Bluff Campground at Redwood. We could see and hear the Pacific. Pretty cool. 

Among Giants

Stacy among the redwoods in Redwood National Park.

Chilling by the Lake

By the Lake

Stacy at lake level in Crater Lake. We hiked all the way down, and up. 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Vala's Birthday

Stacy, Hayden and Morgan helped Great-Grandma Vala blow out her birthday candles in 1988. She was 91.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Road Trip!

A few items for our 4,600 mile road trip to California national parks starting today. The snacks, courtesy of Cindy, are a trip back in time. Stacy may not appreciate them as much as I.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Taking the Lemonade Stand to a New Level

The daughters of one of my coworkers decided with the help of their grandmother and young cousins to take the lemonade stand up a notch and have a hot dog stand. You could get a hotdog, chips and a coke for $4. Unfortunately they had intermittent sprinkles to dampen the traffic. But the service was outstanding.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Beauty Parlor

Dad with Hayden and Stacy. Not sure what's with the curlers. Happy Birthday to Dad today on the 93rd anniversary of his birth.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Shrunken Fountains

With all the rain, the reflecting pool on Ward Parkway is about to overflow and the water shoots that are usually about 2 feet tall are barely clearing the surface. Perhaps all the water is interfering with the pumping mechanism.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Childish Appeal

These pedicure stations are designed for children. Hard to believe they have enough children as clients to warrant this.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Time for a Facelift

The Capitol Federal building at 95th and Nall is getting a facelift. To accomplish this, they've built a road on the lawn to bring in the heavy equipment. The building will have a glass facade and the dated blue tile, or at least some of it, will disappear.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

New Real Estate Term

I'm seeing these signs now instead of Sold. I feel like it's saying, "Loser, you waited too long" which doesn't make me want to call the agency. Probably not how it's intended.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

An Historic Road

Farley Street between 67th and 69th streets in Merriam is known as the shortcut to the girls and I. We think Mom called it that when she would drive us that way on the way to her house. It's actually more of the long way than a shortcut. But the interesting thing is it turns out to be historic. The road was platted in 1871 as part of the Kansas City Road, the highway from Olathe to Kansas City. It's getting narrower as the shoulders collapse so the city wants to rebuild it but the neighborhood likes the country feel of it, as did we.

Friday, June 5, 2015


Seen on Bannister Rd. I'll give them the HIRNG because maybe they were short an "I" but what's with the $199 ROOMUG? Our guess is $1.99 for a Roos (UMKC) mug but who knows? And if so, how about just say $2?

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Checking Out the Air Show

Steve and Susie at what looks like an airshow. I assume a parent is nearby.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Natural Light

A beautiful sunset to go with the stadium lights at the K. Too bad the Royals didn't win.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Runoff Rainbow

The variety of color in the rain runoff was surprising in the spillway in Prairie Village.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Mystery Theater

We are at the Murder Mystery Company dinner, a Mother's Day gift from my daughters. We were at a table with another set of daughters with their mother. Great fun. Stacy was one of the suspects - Dr. Butcher (see below).