Silkies, a type of chicken, make great animals to have in a petting zoo because they are less inclined to peck your hand. Plus they look cool!
You think? This is all there was of our Sports Illustrated. How can you deliver only part of the the cover and just say not our fault?
It makes a statement but I'm not sure what.
Although the Emery, Bird, Thayer & Company department store closed in 1968, this sign reminds us of its existence. When the company warehouse at 16th and Walnut was converted into residential lofts, the lettering on the side was repainted. Nice touch.
Happy birthday today to my mother. This is the witty cake we gave her at her birthday celebration yesterday. She signs her weekly letters with clever things such as this.
Part of the Stone Lion Puppet Theatre during the Overland Park Fall Festival.
The carhop brought your food and hooked it on the window of the car? At a car rally Friday, the owner of this 1968 Camaro placed a vintage tray and food on the car.
I love the colors.
Everybody Panic. What a great bumper sticker. Seems to be the normal reaction to everything anymore.
From the collection at the KU student union.
or a tin armadillo. You never know what someone might buy.
... the inside of the new Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts. The public open house drew so many people that the line went several blocks just to get to the doors. We opted not to wait in the line. This is as close as we got. Instead of the 20,000 they were expecting, they estimated 50,000 showed up. I'll see it another time.
The brightest spot left of the 1.5 miles of chalk drawings in Mission along Rock Creek after the rain yesterday. Volunteer artists were trying to break the world record for the longest chalk drawing.
A Chenille plant.
While clever, it seems like a lot of work just to have fruit. And I understand quite pricey.
Yes, I'm the person who walked every aisle looking for raisins and finally asked a guy who laughed and pointed to the sign. Which proves the point I always made at the theater - that no matter how many signs you put up, people will still ask for directions.
The balloon man at the Fall Lawrence Arts & Crafts Festival.
Hayden is modeling the Meeting Bowl in Times Square. The bowls are part of an art display and are intended to provide a place to sit and have a conversation. It did caution you not to sleep in it.
The Registry Room on Ellis Island where new arrivals waited to be inspected and registered by immigration officials. It had holding pens originally.
Construction of the new World Trade Center tower and surrounding buildings transforms the site from a scene of destruction to one of rebuilding.
But those killed in the attacks were recognized as well on this anniversary in Battery Park. The flags each contain the names of all the victims plus there is a flag for each.
The girls on the mall at Central Park. A beautiful day in the park.
At the top of the Empire State Building.
We enjoyed Spiderman: Turn off the Dark at the Foxwoods Theatre. The aerial work was amazing.
I am in NYC and may not post until I return on Sunday. I will play catch up then if I haven't been able to post in the meantime. Stay tuned.
A princess today.
The light is at the end of this pedestrian tunnel.
This house's yard was full of ghosts and jack-o-lanterns. It's barely September!
art on a building.
We were too late to get the gist of this play but it involved every fairytale character you can imagine. Part of the children's entertainment at the Kansas City Irish Festival.
Sometimes also called hardy hibiscus. Nice to see something enjoying this heat.
Just as with the blue feather earlier this summer, this single feather shimmered all alone on the street in the sunlight.