Prairie Village is littered with them.
150 Years Strong.
Something to brighten the dreary winter days.
Sometimes you have to create your own shelter to stay warm. She did this all on her own.
A "chandelier" of whisks at Pryde's Old Westport.
Color in the snow at Richard and Annette Bloch Cancer Survivors Park.
Snow does not always appear as plain white.
Unfortunately it looks like rain because the defroster was working but it was treacherous.
An exciting addition to Howard's wood shop. This will filter the air and pull much of the dust out.
As part of Harvesters Community Food Network Canstruction, teams of Kansas City architects, engineers and contractors build structures using cans of food. When the exhibit closes, the cans are donated to Harvesters and the food is distributed to those in need. This display by Turner Construction and SFS Architecture is intended to represent the Hot Dog Derby at the K. The entries are on display at Ward Parkway Shopping Center until Feb. 8.
As is obvious here, we donated a hymnal in 1995 and have periodically looked for it (not too hard) and not found it. Then it appears in our very pew! I am also curious as to why the hymnals move around, but I digress.
The organ in the Congregational Church in Iowa City, Iowa. The church predates the Civil War.
Is it real? And what is it? And why have it?
After having no heat at work on the 3 degree day, this was a welcome sight outside my window.
I have this vision of cars recklessly pulling to the curb to respond to a text. I do get, and approve, the message of not texting while driving but this just struck me as funny.
If you just stand in deep enough snow, you can keep your nose warm!
Winter 2011
I think he looks perfect enough to be fake but he was real, and not impressed by the cold.
Christmas tree mulch. Trees returned to their beginnings.
Our neighbor's fence, already wobbly, couldn't stand up to the high winds yesterday.
On the site of the old Woolford Farms in Prairie Village, you can find the graves of Kentucky Derby winner Lawrin (1938) and his sire, Insco. It's on an island in a cul-de-sac in a development (Corinth Downs) at 80th and Mission Road. Interesting little historical marker in the midst of suburbia.
Hanging in the KU Booth Family Hall of Athletics at Allen Fieldhouse is the original banner, created by students in 1988 out of shower curtains. It was replaced inside the arena after about 10 years because of age.
Introduction of Sheahon Zenger as KU's new athletic director. He kept it short. That's a good start.
The going up, not so bad. The return trip, terrifying. This is the ladder to the bell tower.
This presentation gets a low grade. Maybe a plate that it fit or a few sprinkles on top? Unfortunately, the cook worked hard to create this torte. It was not me.
Christmas trees ready to become mulch.
The three cars surrounding this van (including mine to the left) were already parked so what the heck? Did the driver back into this position? And why?